YUI.add('moodle-core-formautosubmit', function(Y) { // The CSS selectors we use var CSS = { AUTOSUBMIT : 'autosubmit' }; var FORMAUTOSUBMITNAME = 'core-formautosubmit'; var FORMAUTOSUBMIT = function() { FORMAUTOSUBMIT.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } // We only want to initialize the module fully once var INITIALIZED = false; Y.extend(FORMAUTOSUBMIT, Y.Base, { /** * Initialize the module */ initializer : function(config) { // We only apply the delegation once if (!INITIALIZED) { INITIALIZED = true; var applyto = Y.one('body'); // We don't listen for change events by default as using the keyboard triggers these too. applyto.delegate('key', this.process_changes, 'press:13', 'select.' + CSS.AUTOSUBMIT, this); applyto.delegate('click', this.process_changes, 'select.' + CSS.AUTOSUBMIT, this); if (Y.UA.os == 'macintosh' && Y.UA.webkit) { // Macintosh webkit browsers like change events, but non-macintosh webkit browsers don't. applyto.delegate('change', this.process_changes, 'select.' + CSS.AUTOSUBMIT, this); } if (Y.UA.ios) { // IOS doesn't trigger click events because it's touch-based. applyto.delegate('change', this.process_changes, 'select.' + CSS.AUTOSUBMIT, this); } } // Assign this select items 'nothing' value and lastindex (current value) if (this.get('selectid')) { var thisselect = Y.one('select#' + this.get('selectid')); if (thisselect) { if (this.get('nothing')) { thisselect.setData('nothing', this.get('nothing')); } thisselect.setData('startindex', thisselect.get('selectedIndex')); } else { Y.log("Warning: A single_select element was renderered, but the output is not displayed on the page."); } } }, /** * Check whether the select element was changed */ check_changed : function(e) { var select = e.target.ancestor('select.' + CSS.AUTOSUBMIT, true); if (!select) { return false; } var nothing = select.getData('nothing'); var startindex = select.getData('startindex'); var currentindex = select.get('selectedIndex'); var previousindex = select.getAttribute('data-previousindex'); select.setAttribute('data-previousindex', currentindex); if (!previousindex) { previousindex = startindex; } // Check whether the field has changed, and is not the 'nothing' value if ((nothing===false || select.get('value') != nothing) && startindex != select.get('selectedIndex') && currentindex != previousindex) { return select; } return false; }, /** * Process any changes */ process_changes : function(e) { var select = this.check_changed(e); if (select) { var form = select.ancestor('form', true); form.submit(); } } }, { NAME : FORMAUTOSUBMITNAME, ATTRS : { selectid : { 'value' : '' }, nothing : { 'value' : '' }, ignorechangeevent : { 'value' : false } } }); M.core = M.core || {}; M.core.init_formautosubmit = M.core.init_formautosubmit || function(config) { return new FORMAUTOSUBMIT(config); }; }, '@VERSION@', { requires : ['base', 'event-key'] } );